Jiomart Bulk Listing | How to Bulk Upload Products on Jiomart

JioMART bulk upload products

In this Post, We will show you How to Bulk Upload Products on JioMart. If you are struggling with listing products on JioMart one by one, than this post is for you. Learn the process of JioMart Bulk Listing and upload all the products in one shot! Don’t skip and read until the end so you don’t miss important details.

Steps to Bulk Upload Products on Jiomart

1) Login to JioMart Seller Account by going to the link: enter used id/ password/ captcha
2) Click on Products on the Left Side of the Dashboard
3) Click on My Offering
4) Click on Bulk Upload
5) In Bulk Download, select “Catalogue Feed”. Choose the Product Category, for example, if your product is a ring, select “Rings”. you need to download different catalogs for different types of products. Search and select your category and click “download sample file”
6) Open up the “product sample variant feed” Excel file, and fill up all the details.
7) For images, create image file extensions and use those same extensions in your images
8) Image Upload: once the Excel file is filled, first you need to upload the images of the product before uploading the Excel file. again go to Products> My Offerings> Bulk Upload> Images Bulk Upload> Upload Images one by one and submit.
9) Catalogue Feed upload: after uploading images select Bulk Upload> click catalogue feed> and upload the excel file
10) Check Upload Feeds Progress: you can check the Upload Feeds Progress in Upload Feeds Progress tab. usually takes 5 – 10 mins. and it will either go “waiting for approval” or “notified” if successfully uploaded.
11) Notified products: List of products that are not approved and may require changes as suggested.
12) Waiting for Approval: Products Waiting For Admin Clearance. List of products that are in the approval pipeline. These products will be published on the marketplace post approval. approx. 15-30 min.
13) Once approved, they will go to “Products in Marketplace”
14) If any error occurs, the error file maybe created which you can download and check and rectify the issue.
15) After around 24 hours, the product will start appearing in Jiomart

Jiomart Bulk Listing Video Tutorial


This was the process of Bulk Listing Products on Jiomart. I hope you liked this tutorial. If you have any doubts, questions or queries, you can mention in the comment section or contact us. You can watch the video for each and every step in detail.

Kashif Ali

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