How to Process Amazon Order | Amazon First Easy Ship Order Process

how to process amazon orders

How to Process Amazon Order?

Okay, so you’ve made your first sale on Amazon. That’s huge! Honestly, I remember my first one like it was yesterday. I was sitting at my desk, refreshing my Amazon dashboard for what felt like the 50th time that day, and then there it was: my first-ever order. I stared at it for a good minute, thinking, “Wait… now what?”

So, if you’re in that same boat, don’t stress. Here’s what I did to process that first order, mistakes and all. Hopefully, this will make it a little easier for you. Here is How to Process Amazon Order step by step!

Amazon Order Processing Steps

Step 1: Your Order Came In. What Now?

Okay, so you’ve got the notification that someone bought your product (how cool is that, by the way?). First things first, you’ll want to log into your Amazon Seller Central account. Once you’re in there, click on the Orders tab, and then go to Manage Orders.

Here’s where things started to feel real for me. I stared at that order like it was some kind of mythical creature. But yeah, you’ll see the details of what was ordered and where it’s being shipped. I think I read over it like three times, just to be sure I wasn’t missing anything. Paranoid? Maybe. Check the new order in “Unshipped” section.

  • Pro Tip (from my own mistake): Check whether the order is from Easy Ship, Self Ship or from Amazon FBA and proceed accordingly

Step 2: Confirm You Can Fulfill It (No Panic Here)

Now comes the part where you need to confirm that you can actually fulfill the order. This sounds basic, but take a moment to check if you have the product in stock. I almost forgot that I have enrolled in Amazon Prime and I have to ship the product next day! so I got it prepared and packed the same day.

If you have read all the order details and you’re ready to go, hit Schedule Pickup in your dashboard. This will redirect you to pickup slot choosing section.

  • One thing: If you’re using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), Amazon will handle all of this for you. But if you’re like me, doing Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM), you’ll need to pack and ship it yourself.

Step 3: Scheduling Pickup (Weight and Dimensions)

If you are a new Amazon Seller and its your first order, when you click Schedule Pickup, after that you will be asked to pinpoint your exact location on Map so that the delivery boy may arrive at the right place.

Next you need to enter the weight and dimensions (length, width and height) of the product.

Next you need to pickup the slot. Choose the date and time of the pickup.

Next click Schedule Pickup!

  • Pro Tip: if you are in Amazon Prime, you will have one day slot, that is tomorrow. Time slot can vary like 11:00 A.M. to 2:15 P.M. or 2:15 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.

Step 4: Printing Invoice and Shipping Label and Packing It Up

Alright, time to get hands-on. Once you schedule and confirm the order, you will get the invoice and shipping label. The invoice would be put inside the package while the Shipping Label with QR Code and Bar Code needs to be pasted on the Package (outside)

Packing your product properly is super important, but if you’re anything like me, you’ll overthink it. My first order? I packed it like it was going through an earthquake. I mean, layers upon layers of bubble wrap. In hindsight, it was overkill, but hey, it arrived safe!

  • Packaging: Get a box or padded envelope, depending on what you’re shipping. Make sure the item won’t move around too much in there. You don’t need to wrap it like it’s made of glass (unless, of course, it is).

Step 5: Shipping Time: Get It Out the Door

After packing, it’s time to actually ship the thing. You can buy amazon branded package or ship it in your own package, no issues.

  • Quick Note: I once printed the wrong label because I wasn’t paying attention, so just double-check you’ve selected the right order.

Once you’ve got your product ready, wait for the delivery boy/ carrier partner.

Step 6: Confirm Shipment (Don’t Forget the Tracking Number!)

After you’ve dropped off the package (or had it picked up), go back to Seller Central and confirm that the order has been shipped. You’ll get the tracking ID in your order, which has now moved to the “Shipped” section.

Keep tracking the order, you will get to know each event of the shipment journey.

  • Pro Tip: confirm if it is Pre-paid order or Post-Paid order (Cash on Delivery), if prepaid, check if the amount has been credited in your Amazon Seller account.

Step 7: Celebrate! You Did It!

Once the package is shipped and the customer is happy, take a minute to celebrate. I’m serious—this is a big moment! You made a sale, fulfilled the order, and didn’t break anything in the process (hopefully).

I remember the feeling of sending out my first order. It was like this weird mix of relief and excitement. Then, the waiting game started—hoping the customer would leave a good review. Spoiler: They did, and it felt awesome.

Final Thoughts: You Got This

So, there you have it. This was How to Process Amazon Order. Processing your first Amazon order isn’t as scary as it might seem at first. Once you get through the steps, it all starts to feel routine. Every order after the first one will be a little easier, I promise.

The biggest tip I can give you? Just don’t rush. I know it’s exciting to get that first sale, but taking your time and double-checking everything will save you a lot of headaches.

Now go out there and crush it—your next order is probably just around the corner!

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Kashif Ali

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