How to Update Your Charge Method in Amazon Seller Central

How to Update Your Charge Method in Amazon

Alright, so here we are. You’re selling stuff on Amazon, and now—surprise!—you need to update your charge method. Maybe your card expired, maybe you got a shiny new one with better points, or maybe Amazon just didn’t like the last one for some random reason (it happens). Whatever the reason, now you’ve got to dive into Amazon Seller Central to fix it.

The first time I did this, I felt like I was hunting for treasure in the wrong place—seriously, Amazon hides this setting so well, I thought I’d lost my mind. But no worries, I’ve done it a couple of times now, and I’m going to walk you through step by step, How to Update Your Charge Method in Amazon. It’s not rocket science, I promise.

Step 1: Log In to Amazon Seller Central

Okay, obvious first step, but let’s just get it out of the way—you’ve got to log in. Head over to If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably got like 10 tabs open and three different passwords you can’t remember.

  • Tip from personal experience: Save your passwords somewhere secure. Trust me, the stress of constantly hitting “Forgot Password” is not worth it.

Step 2: Click Settings Tab and Click Account Info

Once you’re in, the real hunt begins. You’re looking for the Settings tab, which is conveniently tucked away in the top-right corner of the screen. Just hover over it, and a drop-down menu will appear like magic.

Click on Account Info from that menu. This is where Amazon keeps all the boring, yet important, details of your account. You know, stuff you probably only check when things need fixing (like now).

Step 3: Scroll Through the Maze and Find Charge Methods

Here’s where you’ve got to stay focused—Amazon throws a ton of options at you, and it’s easy to get lost. Under Account Info, you’re going to see categories like Business Information, Tax Information… yeah, ignore all that for now.

You want Charge Methods under the Payment Information section. Sounds straightforward, right? Well, it took me a minute to find the first time, so don’t feel bad if you have to poke around a bit.

Step 4: Update or Add a New Card (Finally!)

Once you find the Charge Methods section, the hard part’s basically over. You’ll see your current charge method sitting there. If your credit card is expired, like mine was, or if you just want to add a new one, click Edit.

Now, you’ve got two choices here: either update the card info (if it’s just a new expiration date, etc.) or add a brand-new card. Personally, I always add a new card just to avoid any errors. I don’t know if that’s actually necessary, but it makes me feel better.

  • Quick heads-up: Make sure the billing address on your new card matches what’s in Amazon. I learned the hard way that even a tiny mismatch can cause all sorts of headaches.

Step 5: Save It! Seriously, Don’t Forget

This is where my impatience gets me sometimes. After you’ve updated or added the new card, don’t forget to hit Save. I know, it sounds obvious, but trust me—after staring at the screen for too long, it’s easy to just close the tab and forget. If you don’t save, you’ll be right back here tomorrow when Amazon tells you your payment method failed.

Once you save, Amazon should send you a confirmation email (which is a nice little reassuring thing to get, like a “hey, you didn’t mess it up!”).

Step 6: Double-Check (Because Who Doesn’t Second-Guess Themselves?)

Okay, this is totally optional, but I always like to double-check that the new charge method is actually in there. Head back to the Charge Methods section and make sure the new card shows up, all shiny and correct.

Why? Well, because I’ve had it happen where I thought I updated everything, only to find out that it didn’t go through properly. And there’s nothing more annoying than having to redo something you thought was already done, right?

And That’s It!

See? Not too bad, right? This was How to Update Your Charge Method in Amazon Seller. Once you know where to look, it’s a pretty straightforward process. The hardest part is really just finding that dang Charge Methods section in the first place. After that, it’s smooth sailing.

Next time your card expires, or you just want to change things up, you’ll be a pro at this. No more wandering around Seller Central like it’s a maze designed to confuse us all.

So, go update your payment method, and get back to doing what you actually care about—selling your awesome products on Amazon!

Kashif Ali

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